

As Azem, their relationship was a love triangle and unrequited to the end. She left to try to find an answer before Hythlodaeus sacrificed himself. She was unable to deal with the grief when she learned she was too late and gave up. It was not a heroic death, and she failed to keep her promise to save him. Hades saw it as a betrayal that she wasn't strong enough to stay for all of them, and for him.


She started to recognize some of her memories as Azem after spending time in the recreation of Amaurot. It was the place she remembered, the place she had been searching for all this time. She began to want the Rejoining more than ever and hid away as a half-turned sin eater for a time. She struggled with her guilt, her attachments both past and present; but in the end, she chose to fight back for those she could yet save.


During the events of Elpis, Hatsu faces her friends and tearfully apologizes to Hades and Hythlodaeus for selfishly running away. Secretly, she intended to end her life after everything was done so she could reunite with them in another life. At Ultima Thule, she finally accepts her responsibilities as a Warrior of Light/Azem and chooses to live for a new promise that she made. From then on, she lived in the present and no longer carried the distant look in her eyes.


Hatsu specialized in restoring antique jewelry and often needed Tataru's knowledge in the lapidary arts, thus becoming business partners. They used to be as close as sisters before Hatsu awoke as a Warrior of Light. Tataru pushed herself to learn spell casting not only to be more useful to the Scions, but it was also an attempt to bridge the gap between the two of them. The distance saddened both of them greatly.


When the world is once again at peace, Hatsu insists that she be the one to repair Tataru's necklace for returning it to her also symbolizes the bonds they share.



Although Hatsu collaborates with the Scions, she is not particularly close to them and spends as much time away as possible. She knew they could easily be friends, had she allowed herself to be close. She is no champion, not one worthy enough to follow anyway. She feels guilt for putting distance between them. A part of her knew she would betray them in favor of the past she had been seeking. If they knew how she felt, would they still be friends?

In front of the Scions and the public, she plays the part of the hero they expect her to be.


Hatsu met Hancock during the events of the Bloody Banquet. It was "all hands on deck" for Lolorito, leaving Hancock around to observe the proceedings. His eyes were obscured and he was dressed as an Ul'dahn, thus giving him a sinister presence. One of the Crystal Braves attempted to hide the poison on her but during the struggle, Hancock stepped in and warned him that the plan would fall through if there was evidence she was mishandled. Hatsu looked at him desperately for help and asked him to wait but Hancock gave her a look that was hard to read and left.


Hatsu recognized him as "the man from Ul'dah" when they met again at Shiokaze Hostelry. Although she felt uneasy, that he had helped her allowed her to warm up to him faster than the others.

Shortly after the Scions moved into the East Aldenard Trading Company as their temporary base, Hatsu began to study maps of housing districts in her spare time. She intended to find places to live all over the world in the hopes of finding the home she remembered. By now, the obsession to return "home" has preoccupied much of her waking thoughts despite being in the midst of a revolution. Hancock asked if she wanted help but she was hesitant to accept, not knowing how much she could trust him. He smugly continued talking anyway and offered information on what sells best, demolition patterns, and market rates. Feeling grateful for the information, she uncertainly opened up to him about how it might give her a sense of fulfillment. This prompted a laugh from Hancock, saying they may be "cut from the same cloth". His cryptic statement confused her but slyly dodged answering when she asked what he meant.

Hatsu was a bit reserved with him. While he originally only offered information, he eventually accompanied her during housing negotiations, occasionally bailing her out of trouble if a deal went south. Though this help...came with a price. She understood the "business proposal" but as time went on, Hatsu began to complain to herself about Hancock's proclivities, how he would only exchange favors rather than extend them out of any feelings of attachment. She is hurt by his cold facade, sensing they have a connection in spite of it.

She found his bluntness and dark sense of humor refreshing. Their synergy allowed Hatsu to roll with his act when she is around for his business meetings. They found camaraderie in each other and often stayed up talking late into the night. She went overboard; overworking herself, quickly amassing wealth and properties in many locations. They begin to spend more time together in and out of the office.

Hancock had intended to use her to identify counterfeited antiques with her Echo but Hatsu willingly offered her help. She asked similarly of him for "payment", knowing she was playing into his game, an excuse to continue their exchanges. He would mock her, gloating that she's no different than him. Each time, she would deny this thinking he doesn't understand her feelings. However, even under his facade, Hancock understood little of how he felt about her. Relationships are not for those who have to worry that even gifts may be bribes. He'd rather curry favors instead of pursuing deeper connections.

Hancock wanted to keep his distance; trust doesn't come easily, to trust his feelings to anyone was a risk he never needed nor wanted to take. However, being needed was gratifying and putting the Scions in your debt would most assuredly be beneficial. After all, it was on Lolorito's orders that he assisted them. What better way to keep his master abreast of the developments on the frontline? That was what he told himself anyway, and helping Hatsu in her housing venture was just a part of that...right?

But the more time they spent together, the more excuses were needed to justify his actions; especially when it came to spreading rumors using the Brass Blades. When there was no longer any need to keep an eye on the Scions, it was under the guise of using the Warrior of Light's image to enhance the company's reputation. This was a calculated game of push and pull, lest his improprieties be raised to Lolorito's suspicions -- a risk on his life that he wasn't sure he was willing to take. His hot-cold behavior sometimes left Hatsu wondering if there was something between them or if she wasn't simply a pawn in some grand scheme. And thus, they kept their friends-with-benefits relationship a secret for many years but spent so much time together that they were a couple in every way but name.

Hatsu put much of her energy into restoring the Doman Enclave. Having never known Doma before the Garlean Occupation, she set out to make a difference for the past that was her own. It came as a shock to everyone, Hatsu notwithstanding, when a shipment of heavy canvases arrived from the East Aldenard Trading Company. It came with a message, "Repair their ships for trade and the awnings of their shops for businesses". The cargo was, of course, heavily emblazoned with Sunsilk Tapestry's emblem, everyone in the enclave would come to recognize the company that provided it. What few people knew was who arranged this shipment; Hatsu suspected Hancock himself was instrumental in its inception. Hoping for correspondence, Hatsu carefully checked the shipment. Hidden within the cargo was a sizable amount of gil, alongside another message, "For the restoration efforts". The message was clear enough. With no name and no emblem, Hancock had intended for the gil donation to remain anonymous. The efforts to conceal his identity however, made it evident that nothing was expected of her in return.

Once restored, she performed for eight days and eight nights as part of the celebrations. Although Hancock's donation was anonymous to the Enclave, she worked with the local weavers to gift him a kimono in gratitude. The celebrations were one of the last that they would see each other for a time. Hancock continued to make donations on her behalf in her absence.


Sometime later, they sat in the gardens of the Ijin district and Hatsu revealed to Hancock that she had come to understand why she pursued acquiring homes in many places -- she was instinctively looking for someplace she felt was "home". It wasn't until she saw Amaurot underwater that she understood she had been chasing something long gone. The interior of her houses were built to reflect memories of past lives even though she didn't understand it at the time. With this realization, she resolved to spend her resources helping people who have been displaced return home. This resonated with Hancock and even though he wasn't ready to tell her about his past, he had her promise to try not to put herself in harm's way. After all, how could she help anyone if she wasn't here? She began to feel hope there may still be a place for her in this world.

When all was said and done...


The two embarked on a memorable adventure at Mount Rokkon, spanning many weeks, sharing personal stories, and undertaking their research together. Both had missed the time they spent together when they were apart.

When Hancock was scared, he snapped at her and pushed himself to act braver than he felt, risking harm on himself to keep apace. He refused when she insisted they rest, not wanting to be a burden. All at once Hatsu understood him but she smiled and told him truthfully, she didn't mind if they took their time because she wished this adventure could go on forever...

The pair found themselves once again sitting in the gardens of the Ijin district. Hancock, feeling safe that she wouldn't push him away, finally opened up about his past. She listened to his stories about his past, dreams both old and new, all the while finding certainty in the fact that she did wholly accept him and prepares to do everything she can to support his aspirations for the future. With his help in preserving artifacts across stars for all to see, would she finally be able to let go of the past without fear of it being forgotten? She recalled to him his earlier sentiments of them being "cut from the same cloth". In both visits to the garden, each person confessed their dream to help people across every star, that was compassionate to the other without realizing it. "Wealth without purpose makes poor men of us all," embodies a lesson they both learned. They have come from different paths and reached the same understanding.


